(319) 363-3083
2140 Edgewood Rd SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
How do I know if an on-line Inventory Free Pop-Up store is right for me?
How do I know if an on-line Inventory Free Pop-Up store is right for me?
We want an on-line store to be successful for you and your group. Putting together an on-line store takes work, and we want to make it easy, but we also want to make it worth everyones time and effort. We will start with asking some simple questions;
1. How many total members or households would this store be reaching?
2. What percentage of these members or households would you estimate will place an order?
3. Based on your demographic, what do you feel your average purchase per member/household would be, based on the number of unique decorations we offer?
If you are unsure, no problem, we will do our best to guide you through these answers. From here, we can determine how many unique decorations we should offer, target an appropriate product and pricing plan and then estimate what the store return would be, using our on-line store success estimator. With this information, we can then give you our recommendation on what your store should look like, to yield the best results. If an on-line store may not be successful, we will work to offer you some additional solutions for your apparel or novelty needs.